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DKE  Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik in DIN und VDE

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DKE/UK 214.3 Ausrüstungen und Geräte zum Arbeiten unter Spannung; Körperschutzmittel und schmiegbare Schutzvorrichtungen

Erarbeitung und Pflege von Normen der persönlichen Schutzausrüstung und unmittelbar am Arbeitsplatz verwendeter flexibler Schutzmittel zur Verhinderung der Körperdurchströmung, die bei der Instandhaltung von elektrischen Anlagen zur Anwendung kommen.

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Ausrüstungen und Geräte zum Arbeiten unter Spannung


Ausrüstungen und Geräte zum Arbeiten unter Spannung
Ausrüstungen und Geräte zum Arbeiten unter Spannung
IEC/TC 78/WG 12
Tools and equipment
IEC/TC 78/WG 13
Protective equipment
IEC/TC 78/WG 14
Diagnostic equipment
IEC/TC 78/WG 11
Technical support
IEC/TC 78/MT 61482-1-1
Maintenance of IEC 61482-1-1: Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1-1: Test methods - Method 1: Determination of the arc rating (ATPV or EBT50) of flame resistant materials for clothing
IEC/TC 78/MT 61482-2
Maintenance of IEC 61482-2: Part 2: Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 2: Requirements
IEC/TC 78/PT 61243-3
Maintenance of IEC 61243-3: Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type
IEC/TC 78/MT 60903-984
Maintenance of IEC 60903: Live working - Gloves of insulating material and of IEC 60984: Sleeves of insulating material for live working
IEC/TC 78/PT 61481
Maintenance of IEC 61481: Live working - Portable phase comparators for use on voltages from 1 kV to 36 kV a.c.
IEC/TC 78/WG 1
Multipurpose insulating sticks forelectrical operations on high voltage installations
IEC/TC 78/PT 60855/-1
Maintenance of 60855-1: Live working - Insulating foam-filled tubes and solid rods - Part 1: Tubes and rods of a circular cross-section
IEC/TC 78/PT 61482-1-2
Maintenance of IEC 61482-1-2: Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1: Test methods - Method 2: Determination of arc protection class of material and clothing by using a constrained and directed arc (box test)
CLC/TC 78/WG 03
Insulating ladders for use on or near low voltage electrical installations
IEC/TC 78/MT 60895
Maintenance of IEC 60895: Live working - Conductive clothing for use at nominal voltage up to 800 kV A.C. and ± 600 kV D.C.
IEC/TC 78/PT 78-901
IEC Technical Report for correlating the results of arc test methods to electrotechnical applications in order to select the proper electric arc protective equipment
CLC/TC 78/WG 05
Revision of EN 50321
CLC/TC 78/WG 09
Revision of EN 50528

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