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DKE  Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik in DIN und VDE

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63069 Offenbach am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6308-0
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> VDE Verlag

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> DIN Media

für Normen und Norm-Entwürfe ohne VDE-Klassifikation

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> Normen & Standards kaufen

Für Auszubildende, Meisterschüler & Studenten:

> Angebot des VDE Verlags

IEC/TC 88 Windenergieanlagen

Starke Teams im Dienst der Normung


Terminology in the field of wind turbines
Design requirements for wind turbines
Safety of small wind turbines
Wind turbines: Tower and foundation design
Acoustic noise measurement technique
Measurement of mechanical loads
Full-scale structural testing of rotor blades
Lightning protection for wind turbines
Design requirements for floating offshore wind turbines
Wind energy generation systems - Part 8: Design of wind turbine structural components
Wind energy generation systems - Part 11-2: Measurement of wind turbine noise characteristics in receptor position
Wind energy generation systems - Part 28: Through life management and life extension of wind power assets
Marking and lighting of wind turbines
Wind turbines – Part 30: Safety of Wind Turbine Generator Systems (WTGs) - General principles for design
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Requirements and test methods
Wind energy generation systems - Part 50-4: Use of floating lidars for wind measurements
Wind energy generation systems - Part 101: General requirements for wind turbine plants
Wind turbine gearboxes
Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants
Design requirements for offshore wind turbines
Assessment of site specific wind conditions for wind power stations
Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines
Availability and reliability for wind turbines and wind turbine plants
Wind turbines - Electrical simulation models for wind power generation

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