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DKE  German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE
Merianstraße 28
63069 Offenbach am Main

Phone: +49 69 6308-0
Fax: +49 69 6308-9863

We are the expertise centre for electrotechnical standardization.

The vision of the All Electric Society - for a future worth living in.

The All Electric Society stands on the horizon of all considerations of a successful energy turnaround and describes the vision of a carbon neutral and sustainable world. Sun, wind and water as well as biomass cover the energy demand; technologies based on fossil fuels are electrified. Secure supply due to volatile supply and demand situations in generation, transport and distribution therefore also requires increasingly more conversion technologies and storage technologies.

The path toward an All Electric Society is a transformation process that raises political and economic as well as technical issues. Electrotechnical standardization therefore faces many challenges to ensure that the convergence of sectors that are still separate today can succeed well and safely. But above all, when it comes to technological progress, standardization has shown time and again that it creates trust and stands for safety - and that is precisely what is needed in a world that relies on electrification and digitization.

As a standards organization, we have set ourselves clear goals with the DKE Commitment 2030. The focus of our work for the successful implementation of an All Electric Society is the normative development of the architectural framework.Only with appropriate standards and specifications will it be possible to create a common basis on which all stakeholders can continue to build.

We pave the way. With standardization - for secure technological progress.


Think about a world without standards

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With the wealth of knowledge contained in our roadmaps, you will be equipped with all the information on relevant electrical engineering issues and innovations that you need to reach your goal.

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